


03-29-2014, 01:59 PM (This post was last modified: 03-29-2014, 02:00 PM by Liberty.)

Something about this foreign cutaway pleaded the woman to betray her initial plans for the night, her fatigued paws dipping into the cool water with a pleased sigh as she waded out until it gingerly licked her ankles. Her azure gaze would look downward as she came to a stop and peered into the water, and as it stilled her reflection would become visible among the blues and greens of the ocean. She would smile at herself, making little faces as she admired her own beauty. She was rather grateful that her mother and father had been so attractive, or she may have ended up an ugly duckling.

The thought brought a burst of laughter from the girl, and her gaze would rise as she looked upward at the swirling mass of stars above her. She would think of her mother now, wondering if she could truly watch her from where she'd gone when she died. Would she be proud of her despite the turmoil she had put Valhalla through, that she had put herself through? Was it all worth it in her mothers eyes, to have this exciting life despite the daily consequences she faced? Could she understand the youths taste for danger and excitement, and respect her for it? She could only hope so, she'd never want to disappoint her mother, though surly she already had with the Valhalla incident. If only she were still here...

She would sigh heavily as her gaze turned earthward, her head tossed over her shoulder as she peered into the forestry behind her. A slight breeze would sway the restless leaves of the palms along the shore, and she would mistake the sound of footsteps approaching with their comforting melody. She unaware of the stranger lurking within the shadows, and so she would turn her head back toward the horizon, her eyes dancing among the waters surface as she watched waves crash in the distance. For once she felt at ease despite the thoughts swirling within her mind, and she would close her eyes as she inhaled the salted air into her lungs, the symphony of crashing waves provoking her mind to draw a peaceful blank.
