
shove it

Hermes I


03-29-2014, 04:48 PM

Ok, so she was kind of fun to annoy. Hermes continued to stare at the female, head tilted slightly to the side as shot back snark-filled venom. He had no idea how far he could push before she snapped back at him but he had every intention of finding out as the young male was uncertain how to de-escalate the situation anyway. Besides if it came to a spar he could always use the practice. Though he'd rather take her out for a hunt, something fun and unusual.

"Kid? HA!" He strode forward, letting his muscular frame speak for itself. He was nearly two years old, far from the wiry little scrap he used to be. Hermes wouldn't bother commenting on the verbal assault to his bravery. He could show her that soon enough anyway and besides this was more fun now that she was actually going somewhere.

Hermes followed her at a leisurely pace. Nose taking in her scent. A rogue as far as he could tell, she didn't really smell of pack. He half thought of trying to recruit her but he was fairly certain his mother would not like this young fae's mouth and disrespect. Not that he could blame her. She clearly wasn't raised in a pack like he was.

His eyes finally rested on her frame, her swaying hips, the way the sun caught her fur and he started to feel? funny. There was a slight burning ache in his nether regions but he tried to force it from his mind, though the unfamiliar sensation was starting to make him a bit nervous. She couldn't have poisoned him, right?

They soon reached the ocean and Hermes followed her in, powerful limbs and muscular chest churning the water with practiced precision. As soon as he reached the shore he shook out his coat and turned to her grinning. "So? you have a name? Please don't have me try and pick out a nickname for you I'm lousy at that." He chuckled softly to himself when his ears picked up the sounds of nesting birds. "Ohhhh?. " he sighed to himself as his gaze turned in the direction. "You like eggs at all Miss Mystery?" Hermes slowly licked his limbs as he rolled his shoulders forward, working out the kinks as he prepared to run, his body slinking low as he stalked forward toward the nesting sea birds. He turned to glance back at her to see if she'd join in. If she was and she was ready he'd rush them if not well? he was all for showing off a bit.

talk, think