
New Day in a New Land


4 Years
03-29-2014, 04:50 PM
The woman waited patiently for a response, her ears flicking toward when she heard what the other woman had to say to her. Nodding her head in understanding, the blue-eyed woman narrowed her eyes slightly in the direction of Lalani, her lips pursing in displeasure. She wasn't certain if the woman was doing the noise with her tail on purpose, but Audrey could only think that this was the case. Huffing softly under her breath, she flicked her tail behind her in irritation, focusing on the sound of the other woman's breath, now that she was close enough to hear it. When the girl mentioned moving from their location and into a cave, where Audrey would certainly have no advantages, she narrowed her eyes, suspicious as to if this other woman would have any reason to do something horrible to her.

Not finding any reason as to why she wouldn't be able to go with the woman and find her way around, the woman mentally shook her head before giving the other woman consent with a simple nod. Clearing her throat, she spoke, "Very well then...lead the way. I am Audrey Hervok, by the way, it's a pleasure to meet you..." She let her voice fade off at the end, not knowing what to address this other woman as and left it there. Pricking her ears towards, she listened expectantly for the other girl to move towards where she had indicated.