
Some Like it Hot

Skælingr I


7 Years
Extra large
03-29-2014, 07:26 PM

The roar of the rapids was almost soothing to him but it was not a place he cared to stay for too long. Sk?lingr relied heavily on his hearing to track prey and also keep an eye out for danger, not that there was too much that could threaten him in the animal kingdom but mother nature could be cruel. There were always natural disasters that could cause him trouble.

Sk?lingr listed politely as the little ice-eyed femme spoke of a lake not that far from where they were now. Ahh? it would feel good against his heated fur. He nodded. "I appreciate your concern but yes? I do not bother wolves unless they seek to bother me first but as it seems my kind have been absent some time perhaps I may ask." It would depend on he pack size. Some of the massive packs made him wary, the smaller ones a little less so. They could not afford to loose what few members they had by picking a fight with a tiger. Larger packs though could afford it? possibly even need it if there was a drought or shortage of game.

He smiled as the gecko introduced himself as Alphonso. "Alphonso, eh? I fine name indeed!" Sk?lingr held a respect for most of the life that existed, even the smaller ones. They all had their part to play in this world? though the purpose of mosquitos and ticks still frustrated him to no end but even then they were a prey source for birds. Yet it made him wonder? how would the world change when he and his kind were finally gone, what part did they truly play in the grand scheme of things?

Sk?lingr's ears perked up as Isabella began to speak of herself and of wolves. He only knew what he had seen through observation and was curious to learn more. The great cat nodded as she spoke. It made perfect sense to one such as he though it gave him no great confidence in the general morality of wolves that Isabella should have such a hard time finding a pack. "It makes perfect sense to me but then I am a tiger. My kind, like most cats lives independently. We do not do well under the rule of others though I have pondered perhaps allying with a pack. I do get lonely in my wanderings but alas if you are having trouble finding wolves of worthy moral fiber I am skeptical of my own chances." He laughed softly at the thought. He'd heard of some larger animals allying with packs but he had to admit the idea still seemed foolish to him. "Ah? but it is folly. I do not take orders. I have lived independent and free much of my life and I can not fathom being under obligation to anyone."

A dark shadow crossed his face for a moment at her question as he turned to face the rapids for a second but slowly he turned back to her, pushing the negativity away. "My fellows look like me. We come in one color, orange with black as far as I know anyway. These strange times though have brought many new colors to creatures but it is of nature's will and this makes me glad. Long ago when humans lived there were white tigers but they were inbred to be so, forcefully." He paused and shook his head. "I am sorry, my kind live long and while I am young I knew of those that had lived during the time of the humans. My uncle was a white tiger, he was cross-eyed and suffered much. It is a color of? dark times to me though I try not to hold it against any I meet. They have suffered enough all ready."

Sk?lingr offered the femme a smile. "I'm sorry, I have not talked to another creature in so long the words seem to just spill from me. I do not wish to burden you with such but there is hope. So many colors are coming to be in all species, perhaps one day it will not be a mark of shame among my kind." Truly, she was such a spirited young thing that he did not wish to dampen her spirit or her nature any but there had long been anger dwelling in his people. A long aged hate and sadness that sometimes would slip from him.

"No, no young Isabella! I appreciate the conversation. Let us make a fair exchange of it, you may ask me anything and I shall do my best to answer but I have questions as well. Wolves hunt in groups yes? How? how does this process work? Do you actively stalk prey? Ambush it? Do you know why wolves started creating packs at all?"

ooc: sorry that took a depressing turn xD. I follow Big Cat Rescue so this is where I got the ideas behind Sk?'s view of white tigers: they have some cute videos on their channel of their rescuee's I always watch one or two after sad things: