
devil in the dark

Skælingr I


7 Years
Extra large
03-29-2014, 07:52 PM

Her manner was far different than the skittish nature of Laila, the previous cougar he'd met. She exuded confidence. A sleek and gracefully creature worthy of the name feline his ears flicked forward as she spoke and her accent caught his attention immediately as it was very much like his own. Was she of a similar land then? Surely she was of land the humans had called Russia? There was also a distinct darkness to her as well. Sk?lingr could sense it. She work her darkness around her like a royal robe. He on the other hand kept his hidden away, a skeleton in his closet. After all? he was filled with much rage and much hate and not so long ago he slew many for sport. The ability to kill was still within him though he rarely went out of his way to find others to maim. As long as beasts like wolves left him along he would not bother them but Sk?lingr was a creature sensitive to insult and many a canine would be maimed for treating him like an inferior. Was this cougar, this cat, similar to he? Or far more darker?.

His green eyes gazed at her, watching her movements to see if she would tolerate his prescence of if he'd be chased from the cave. Her over all mood seemed to be content and she was not gripped by fear either which was good. Sk?lingr had no desire to subconsciously corner a fellow feline. Her voice was soothing, humid and hot and it stirred things in him that were long sleeping.

Sk?lingr chuckled. "Mayhaps I have, but I rarely settle anywhere. I have travelled in search of more of our kind, more felines for the reassurance that we have not all been driven to extinction. You are the second cougar I have had the honor and privilege of meeting, Zafira." He stretched lightly before laying across a shelf of slate. Massive paws settled out in front of him as he rested slightly on his side, his back legs resting out from his body, long, elegant tail slowly curling and uncurling.

"You have a most interesting accent, you are from the high north as well, yes? What brings you into Alacritis?"