
I Just Wanna Spend Some Time With You



03-29-2014, 10:43 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The timid wolf was grateful that at least one of her children could have found himself so happy in the world. Could it have been the desire for happiness that had driven the others away? Had they found what they were looking for, and that was why they had not returned? It was difficult to consider - of all the places out there, she would have loved for them to have found happiness close to home - but still she considered herself lucky to have this one son who saw fit to remain at her side through everything that they had been through. And he truly did seem happy. She could not say his life had been an easy one, but she admired his optimistic spirit and his ability still to forgive her own shortcomings whether he realized them or not.

Her boy apologized for his rambunctious response, but all Mercianne could do was chuckle. "It's fine," she assured him, "I'm glad you enjoy it." It was a stroke of luck that he had been able to find his calling so young. She herself had been older when she had found her own in healing and had even trained amongst the youngsters of her old pack in order to get to her current point in her knowledge now. Although she would forever be a student to the craft - as she had once been informed by her very first teacher - it had taken her some time to get where she was. Emery was on his way to bigger and brighter things already.

He took the lead and she let him, more than willing to set aside what meager knowledge she possessed regarding hunting so that her son could shine and have his moment to teach her what he had learned. Their course was made clear of the drop offs and westward through the snowy terrain until Emery glanced her way again with another smile and question. Mmm, caribou. That did sound good, even if all they would catch would be a young one rather than a hefty elder one. There was a touch of trepidation to her at the thought of rushing up on a herd of such large creatures, her own hunting skills more finely tuned toward small game, but if her son thought they might stand a chance at success why stop him so long as they stayed safe? "Sounds like a fun challenge," Merci agreed. "How do you suggest we go about it?"