
Desperate Times


03-30-2014, 04:19 AM

He was back. It would not be the first time he had strayed onto the battlefield, but the last time he recalled was the war between Valhalla and Glaciem. And he, aiding in the fight against the enemies with old Tortuga. Sea green eyes gazed about, the male unsure as to where his sister had gotten to as of late. But no matter, he was irritated. The summer heat not helping any, and his restlessness only aiding in his irritation. It would seem that nearly anything would set him off, and if anyone tried to cross him he would not hesitate to snap. Muscles rippled under his coat as he walked, the ground heating up his pads as dust settled with each step he took. His tail swiped irritably at stray flies seeking relief, and he would have none of it. Today, was not a good day.

It was then that he heard the slight catch of voices, and he'd lift his head in the direction to see two white figures, one of which was highly familiar. A chuckle would leave his lips, what were the odds of running into her again? It seemed fate liked to play games. He strode forth, ears prickling when he caught the name of the woman with the marking. A sneer rose upon inky lips as he walked past her towards Yin. "Well well, fancy meeting you here." He commented as he approached. He remained a foot or so away from her, noting the ever present irritation on her features. He chuckled again, oh how it was nice to see her again. Turning towards Roman, he would gaze at her for a brief moment. "Armada is it? Relative of the moron who sought war upon Valhalla because he couldn't handle being turned down by a girl?" He chuckled again, oh how he knew the story. He turned to Yin, humor in his eyes. "If you haven't heard, there's an albino roaming around who can't take no for an answer. Talk about desperate." He commented in sarcasm. Gaze returned to the tribal marked woman, if she had a problem then she could deal with it. After all, if she attempted anything, Hansel wouldn't turn down an opportunity. It could perhaps be his chance to see his companion counterpart in action.
