
And A Hero Was Born


03-30-2014, 06:03 AM
It was time. The behemoth of a creature stepped into new lands, his gait unwavering as he raced across the terrain. The world was a blur around him, his mane flying in the wind as his tail followed suit in a perfected streamline behind him. His hooves thundered across the ground, shaking it as if the earth itself was in a fit of rage. He had not stopped running, not for a long time. The beast had only stopped to rest and drink at night, only to continue his journey to nowhere throughout the long hours of the day. He had no path lied out for him, no course of direction in mind. All he knew was to run, and to keep running, and to not stop until his limbs gave way beneath him. But he was a warrior, bred for endurance and strength. His heart would never allow him to give up, no matter how much his body wanted to. And so it was in the evening of this day, that he would come to the lands of the unknown.

Evening would begin to fall, the sky turning all shades of greys and reds and oranges, the sun sinking below the horizon as it dipped between the mountain peaks. The beasts pale eyes scanned his surroundings, his movements slowing but not stopping. Steam began to rise from his pelt, his body coated in a slick sheen of sweat. Ears were attentive, head beginning to lower as exhaustion would set in. He did not want to stop, did not want to falter. The memory of what he once was and what he once used to be, nay. He was still what he once was. He was still the warrior he was bred to be, the warrior that had protected his Prince upon the battlefield, the warrior that had felled many and yet kept his rider safe...until the downfall of mankind destroyed everything. As the memories flooded back, the creature would slowly pound to a halt, unknowingly easing into a stop within the confines of a place he had not known he came upon.

All around him, he could hear the evening bird song. The gentle gurgle of a creek could be heard nearby, though the thoughts of that were far from his mind, though his body cried for refreshment. He was too stricken with the memories of old, as well as the scenery of the new things around him. Where was he? And what sort of creatures inhabited these lands? Better question yet...was he all alone? Were his childhood friends gone too? Had they survived? Or was he alone? He had not seen another of his kind nor many other creatures since he had left his ancient lands, and so the beast although might as he was, felt alone in a world larger then he ever anticipated.