
don't be so sentimental, this love is accidental



5 Years
03-30-2014, 09:00 AM

Desire? was long overdue to visit the Sovari family once again. She had trekked for hours and it would seem her legs would need to rest. The impact of ludicaels scent hit hard against her nose, and it didnt take long for Des to figure out she was already in pack lands. Each time she secretly did it, a huge surge of guilt swept over her and soon, the purple nymph would have a meeting directly to song to explain her reasoning. Solo was out and about, hunting down a creature that looked rather grotesque and disgusting to play with. From a long distance away she would watch carefully; half amused and half curious as to why he'd pick that creature and not something far more attractive. a grin would widen upon her thin lips at Solo's downfall and she couldnt help but watch in awe.

After a few moments of standing still Desire? would silently make her way over to greet the pup personally. As the distance would close Des would dip her head to give a single, yet affectionate lick on the top of his small crown. " Is your mother and siblings away?" She'd murmur quietly, hoping that he wasnt left completely alone. She knew viridiana left a family member to look after them while she's away, and Desire? couldnt help but sigh in relief. The woman also realised how she favoured Fia, and Desire? felt as though she did have a soft spot for the boys. " Solo, that creature looks disgusting! did you touch it" Oh god, she could only hope he didnt. The slime that looks to have claimed its skin was enough to make heads turn.