
The Carmel bloodline


03-30-2014, 11:08 AM (This post was last modified: 04-01-2014, 05:33 PM by Pruina.)
OOC Name: WildOne
Which would you like: Silver
Name change?: No, not unless you have one you like better and feels fits her.
Height: 35in || Weight when healthy: Hold on || Current Health: Good

Silver is indeed a tall and beautiful young laddy. She stands on long sturdy legs that are more muscular than her mother's four. Her body is more broad and strength focused then the one who birthed her as well, but this is not to say she is buff or manly. In fact, she is very much feminine with fine points and curves. Her head is perfectly average; not broard or narrow. Her muzzle is a tad short with a snaggle tooth sticking out on the left. Her small ears are almost cup like as they come up to an odd point. Thankfully this does little to affect her hearing.

When she walks her tail drags along the ground with it's unusually long length. Along with this, it is broad in width. Though it's hard to notice when her fur is dry, she has a small cink on her upper tail. What brought it to be is unknown and her best guess is that she was born with it. Now, on to just how she walks. Silver is a confident wolf so far and holds her head high when not in the presence of authority. She walks gracefully in a style of elegance, sometimes showing pride in her 'little fancy gait.'

Light russet fur rests on her forehead, neck, back, sides, some of her upper hind quaters, and the top half of her tail. A more goldish russet swallows her underbelly and just barely mingles with the darker shade on her sides. A touch of pure black is on the edge -but not the tip- of her cheeks, mixes in around her shoulders, and stands out on her hips. Her pelt is sleek looking and is neither soft nor coarse, but an in between texture of the two. The only place where it 'fluffs out' is on her poofy tail. Her coat is of medium length and very heavily thick; often causing her trouble in the hotter months.

Striking pools of silver with a hint of light grey stand out from her russet pelt. They are captivating and tell their own lies. Beautiful and misleading they fail to be honest with her emotions. Yet, they are brightly lit with her spirit. In some lights they may be mistaken for a pale goldenish yellow.

Silver owns an awkward sense of humor. Nothing much to say about it other then she can come off as a goof ball or dork. She doesn't try to be odd on purpose, it's just she' awkward goof.

With a heart of gold Silver is very sweet, often going out of her way to do simple tasks for others. Such as a small snack for a sibling, picking a pretty flower for her mother, and other things. If she catches you talking about something that you want, and she can retrieve it, don't be surprised to find it near your den.

As a gentle character she will not be one much for fighting, but instead negotiation. Don't be fooled though, cross her line and she'll attack. She will do her best to bring you to your back and to make you surrender. If she sees fitting as a punishment she my attempt inflicting some sort of suffering.

She takes a liking to pups, and loves spending time with them. Protecting them is highly important to her; at all cost. She hopes to one day maybe become a teacher, pup sitter, or just a high ranked women with her own family.

As a young girl she is foolish and naive when it comes to males and, well, a lot of stuff. She's a tad bit of a hopeless romantic searching for her soul mate at such a young age. Maybe a bit too desperate and trusting, she'll fall for just about any boy that's nice to her. That also goes to show how she is a bit boy crazy in her adolescence.

Sensitive is a word that strongly describes her, for she will become insulted easily. It does not take much to emotionally hurt her. Put downs, cases where she didn't please someone who matters to her, and the like all cause severe damage to her. Luckily for the offender she is very forgiving and easy to make happy again.

Silver is a slightly confident yearling, not in her looks, but her skills. It is plain as daylight to the naked eye that she believes in herself. She falters most of the time from some one else's discuragment or harmful words. Sometimes this will make her want to try harder...others not so much.

She is an ambitous and hard working wolf. If she wants something, really wants something and whole heartidly, she will do her best to earn whatever it may be. She will push herself to her limits, and beyond if possible. It is not rare for her to exhaust and frustrate herself.

Despite not being shy, she will become bashful towards compliments. Her face will light up when praise is offered towards her acts, for she loves it when her work is appreciated. If someone compliments her on one of her many personality traits she may attempt to shyly brush it off. When it comes to her appearence, she may fall silent and not answer; looking towards the ground nurvously.

Silver is dependent on those around her to support her. If she doesn't feel backed up by them, or like they believe in her. She may get a wavering confidence.

RP Sample:

A gust of warm summer air rustled through the tree tops. The dark woods loomed above and all around her. The little light from the crescent moon illuminating her path. The tall russet wolf walked quietly, her maw bloodied and her jaws full. They clamped down onto a decent sized chuck of deer. She had attained it from a recent pack hunt she was in. No, she wasn't bringing it back for herself. The juicy treat was for an unable to attend pack mate.

As something moved from behind her she ceased walking. Her ears lifted alertly, "Who's there?" She asked muffled by her possession. A large shadow moved from tree to tree without answer and she grew uncomfortable. Her fur rose up along with her tail; aligning itself with her spine. With difficulty she bared some of her teeth in a snarl. She waited watching intensely on the foliage near her...

Another female soon showed herself, she had long poofy black fur. Her eyes were fiery orange and seemed to penetrate Silver's flesh and see the soul inside. A shiver ran down her spine. The woman was no threat to her though; she was scrawny and heavily pregnant. Guilt sprouted in her. She didn't wait for the other to speak as she dropped the meat. She moved a paw on it before tearing off a mouthful. Cautiously she set it down then picked up the larger part. She couldn't give too much was for some one else anyways.

Silver backed up while eyeing the female. Quickly she turned to trot off at quick pace, hoping the stranger would not give chance. Her ears swiveled back as a soft and quite, "Thank you," was spoken. Inwardly she smiled. The yearling didn't offer a response as she continued towards home.