
Baby daddy do you wrong?

Sucre I


03-30-2014, 12:10 PM
Ate the bread that once was stone

Fell from a cliff, never broke a bone

Shamelessly, the brute lay on his back with his limbs splayed, baring his belly for the whole world to see and the sun to tan. He was blissfully warm and fat; a few yards away the remains of a small deer lay baking in the sun. The kill wasn't his, he'd merely snatched it and run, dragging the little corpse a great distance before dining. Now, some hours after he'd eaten, Sucre was on the verge of a nap. The sunlight further aided his drowsiness and the brute's eyelids were heavy. His thoughts wandered, going nowhere in particular.

Sighing, Sucre stretched all four paws towards the sun, his back arching and his hips wiggling as he ground an itch into the grass. All at once, as if they were suddenly too heavy, he let his limbs drop. Today was good. He hadn't a care in the world. It was warm, his belly was full and it was blissfully quiet. Around him birds sang and flitted from tree to tree. The only real danger came in the form of overripe fruit falling from the limbs above him.

His eyes closing, the brute's mouth fell open in a gross yawn. Nothing could ruin this day for him, absolutely nothing.

Bowed down to get the kings overthrownSucre