

Katja the First


8 Years
03-30-2014, 02:11 PM (This post was last modified: 03-30-2014, 02:11 PM by Katja the First.)

It took a great deal to rile the unflappable viking woman. But the chaos Katja now saw unfolding before her this day gave her the nearly overwhelming urge to turn and bang her head repeatedly against the boulder she'd leaped down from. The behavior her packmates insisted on displaying before the other pack was appalling at best, incredibly destructive both to the pregnant bitch and their relations with the strange pack at worse. Arguing and bickering over precedence when calm clear action was obviously called for... she would not be surprised if this debacle caused the other wolves chose to turn on them now or in the future.

Then to make matters even more terrible, the heavily-pregnant Raisa appeared. Though it would be dishonorable for the queen to avoid her duty simply because she was pregnant, her labor pains could not be far off, and would complicate matters. Still, it was not for Katja to say at this juncture. "My queen," she would murmur respectfully, making a gesture of deference to her, though Raisa swept past to the laboring female with a cry. Katja simply melted into the background to watch as the situation continued to degenerate. The stranger's pups coming into the world, Raisa's sudden labor pains, the Ebony healers' continued bickering. With the last, Katja felt her usually placid emotions begin to simmer.

"Voldeppen," she growled at them beneath her breath, an epithet that does not bear translation. The young stranger turned his gaze to the dark female who had appeared, asking her to help the strange female who was struggling to give birth to a backward pup. "Do, please," she added curtly, her eyes narrowing in the direction of her own pack's healers who were still each attempting to dominate the other, like this was a game. "Please to be accepting my apologies for the bad behavior of these packmates. Take responsibility for their actions I will in the absence of higher authorities as my queen is currently incapacitated, and once the mothers are resting, personally to do what I can to remedy any offense taken by your pack, I swear it," she spoke to the three strange wolves, making a motion that spoke of a binding oath. "If you please be excusing me, at risk of more chaos I must intervene."

Stalking closer to the two laboring mothers attended by two childish healers, though standing back far enough to avoid crowding the already-overcrowded densite and to give the dark stranger access to her alpha, Katja glared at them darkly. "Thousands upon thousands of years have women given birth," she snapped at them, her voice low to try to keep it to just them, though in her irritation she did not much care who heard. "Need you hovering over them like lost children who whine and bicker at one another, they do not. Back away and allow the stranger to be attended by her own woman. Her composure lends her more credence than either of the twain of you." Her silver eyes sized them each up, the dark expression promising a strict dressing-down at a later date. "Neither of you are needed now for our queen. She is strong. A warrior. She needs no whinging children standing over her. If needed I will be pulling you from there by your ears and paddling your bottoms for those who act as children will be disciplined as such. Behave." Her words held nothing but disgust for them.

Her speckled gaze moved to her queen. "Raisa," came the blunt voice sharply, giving no rank for in this moment to her Raisa was woman only, not queen, doing her job as women had throughout the ages. "Raisa, focus. Pain is only temporary. You do well - your children are well. Your woman is fine now," for she had not missed the way they spoke to each other, the frantic way Raisa had reacted upon seeing the woman in labor, and it was no different than any other young couple expecting children, albeit unconventional. "Be strong for them. More is coming and they need you now."

The young warrior was not a healer, but Raisa was not injured and she didn't need a healer. She was capable; she just needed to be allowed to do what her body had been designed for, and if these healers could not see that well, together they could not make half the healer Katja's own sister was.