


03-30-2014, 03:10 PM
OOC; I intend for this thread to be a large one, so we will keep the posting order rather loose. If someone takes a while to respond, we will skip them and they can catch up when it's convenient for them.

The High Lord of Ebony woke with a start, an ear twitching idly as a small pebble quaked beside him. He glanced in all directions, but there was no figure nearby that could have recently disturbed the curiously animated rock. He nosed it, mildly interested, as he felt the ground trembling beneath his heft. With haste he stood, fearing a sinkhole, and scampered a few yards away. The ground continued to rumble, as if something were boiling just beneath the surface. The waves of motion came faster and faster, and the earth groaned with a sickening sound. Paws beat the earth feverishly as he ran without any purpose except to escape whatever demons were causing such a fuss. He let out a howl of alarm, but did not remain within pack borders. He knew not what direction he was headed, nor did he care. He only meant to get as far away from this place as he could. It would be then that the earth roared a mighty roar, opening up it's great maw to him and swallowing him whole. He fell down, ten feet - maybe more and began to roll end over end. He cried out as he finally came to a halt, an eerie blue glow gleaming through the opaque skin of his eyelids. He blinked once, twice, thrice before breathing a sigh of relief. The glow grew brighter as his eyes adjusted to the light, revealing tens of hundreds of mushrooms, each one giving off a phosphorescent glow. "Hello?" he queried without the strength to stand or properly gather his bearings.
