
sorry might never be enough


03-30-2014, 05:50 PM

Song left the little ones now, letting them curl around each other and squirm momentarily. Waves of disappointment radiated from the creamy pelt of her best friend, who nuzzled her tiara against the powerful neck of the alabaster queen and murmured her own apologies. A small chuckle was given by the giantess as she rubbed her cheek against the dainty features of her friend. "You have nothing to apologize for, my dear." Soft ethereal tones would assure the Oracle as she looked upon the face of the smaller dame. "It was wrong of me to leave, whether I intended it for only a few days or not." She continued, her voice dropping momentarily into a growl of loathing for herself and what she had done.

Long plume would give an aggravated flick at it's tip, disturbing the twin raven's feathers into a short, startled ballet. A long sigh would escape her lungs, flanks shuddering with the effort to calm herself down. "In my absence, my children have grown to hate me. I am loathe to admit it, but I fear I will never regain their affections. It shames me to know I have failed so deeply, and I at one point considered..." Soft vocals would explain, hoarse with emotion and withheld tears. She would never not love her wonderful little ones, her brave Australis, who took care of his sister when they had not a mother, and her lovely Zlata, who had not been one to hold a grudge against her still. What had she done? Would she ever regain the love of her babes? Only time would tell from now on.

Slowly an inquiry would tickle her tongue, and she would hold it back for a moment. Song asked her own question, as to the ivory dame's well being at this point. Another slow intake of breath, a quiet exhale before speaking again. "I am well enough, willing to return to my duties. However, I fear this heat wave may pose problems if I were to hold a lesson. None of the prey I would usually focus on to teach are in the area, they have migrated to cooler climates..." She would inform the lass, looking over her petite shoulder to the dried out earth beyond the den, the limp and exhausted plants. Any hopes of holding a lesson would be quite difficult, but no doubt the sharp witted femme could manage.

Her earlier query would return to tug at her brain, begging to be voiced. Slowly, dark lips would part, and for a moment there would be no sound coming from her maw. "Australis informed me that Magnus did not care for them in my absence, is this true?" Ghostly tones would ask, her faint accent wrapped comfortably around her tongue and laced within her words. Mercury gaze would fall to her friends features anxiously, watching for a reaction that would forewarn her of what would come. The idea that her beloved could have abandoned their children as well broke her heart, and she hoped to the gods that it was not true. Otherwise, what would that mean for their small family? They could fall apart, become broken. She loved Magnus dearly, but the idea that he could simply leave their babes to survive on their own, risking their lives alone in the mangrove, brought the first bubblings of rage into her chest.