
set that crown on the ground



5 Years
04-01-2014, 10:03 AM

Before her eyelids had managed to slide open the nymph was being plucked from her den, and it was not until her mother had emerged from the den that her eyes would open. She would squint as the faint moonlight spilled into her drained eyes, and she would lazily yawn as her meager frame swayed from left to right as he mother strode forward. Her volcanic gaze would dart from each bubbling pool of water, and she would begin to wonder why her mother had taken her away from her siblings, especially when the moon was still out. Was she in trouble or something? She usually never questioned her mothers motives, but she had been sneaking out a lot lately...

Finally her mother would come to a stop, her legs coiling beneath her as she set Fiamette between her forepaws. She would cringe as her mothers moist tongue rolled across her back, and she would squirm in protest, a smirk placed across her lips as she giggled faintly. "Ma!I'm clean, I'm clean!" She would shriek, she honestly didn't like the feeling of her mother licking her, she felt like a pebble being toppled over by a snail. She would writhe beneath her mothers grooming touch until she was on her back, her legs flailing in the air as she pawed aimlessly at her mothers snout. "Wha do we need to dis-discuss, ma?" She would gaze upward, curiosity gleaming within her eyes as she waited for her response. What were her mother's intentions, was she in trouble after all?


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"