
Thunder Cloud



4 Years
03-30-2014, 07:38 PM

Her laughter confused him. What was so funny about his question? She wouldn't be laughing if he were some chirpy fae eating heathen. Honestly, she was lucky he wasn't. How she'd made it to adulthood with that mentality was beyond him. For several heartbeats he just stared at her, dumbfounded by her convictions. He wasn't sure how to respond to that. If he'd come across her behaving the way he had the brute would have left her to her fate and felt no guilt for it.

They were quiet for several seconds before the stranger took it upon herself to break the silence with a question. A question that immediately drew a snort from him. Why were his knickers in a knot? Well, that was easy. He'd been raised by a bully in a family of bullies. He raided and killed and torn apart lives for a cause he'd never believed in. He'd witnessed and taken part in atrocities that would haunt him for eternity. Some nights he couldn't sleep because he was tormented by the faces of the defeated. His ears rang with their useless, heartbroken cries. He'd made his heart hard and watched while they suffered under the bodies of their new masters. No one was immune to his pack's hungry ways. He'd killed more children than he could count, herded their mothers away from their corpses and towards their new husbands. That was what had his knickers in a knot. A lifetime of sin and malice. He was filthy, rotten to the core, a monster. And it ate at him.

It finally dawned on him that he was pacing and Thor screeched to a halt, turning tortured eyes on the fae. He'd begun to run because he couldn't sleep. He couldn't sleep because he was terrified of his dreams. Breathing hard, Thor sat down with enough force to make his teeth rattle. "You really don't want to know." The desire to confess was there and if she pressured him he'd spill sins like a pinata, but it would leave him empty. He wouldn't be able to stand under the weight of his transgressions once they were out in the open.

His eyes closed, then opened after a few deep breaths. When he spoke his voice was soft. "I'm so sorry, Miss, for my behavior. I've been a monster." In more ways than one, but he was going to try to move them away from that topic. Perhaps they could start over.

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]