


03-30-2014, 08:19 PM
OOC: Sasuke has decided that Kasai will lose her tail, and Maverick will have to chew it off for her >:3 Also receive scarring across her face and neck as well as a torn ear. -nodnod-

It had happened all so fast. One moment, the rogue girl had been traversing the lands on her way to nowhere. All she knew was that she had been drinking from a small bed of water, and then the ground below began to shake. Her heart had pounded, her breath quickening, and then a loud crack of splintering wood jarred her as a tree came crashing down beside her. Panic stricken, the girl had run as turmoil and chaos was unleashed around her. Her legs carried her as far and as fast as she could, all the while gaps in the earth began to tear apart before her eyes, and debris began to crackle as the earth was rent asunder. She began to believe that she would not make it, that whatever monsters were tearing through the ground would swallow her up. And oh how right she would be.

It was then that the ground would open up, breaking with every step she took. With a cry of panic, she would fall through, tumbling in the realms of the unknown. A silent yelp escaped parted lips, the girl seemingly falling in an unending pit of darkness. She knew not which way was up nor which way was down, all she knew as she fell was the feelings of rock and debris pelting her body as she tumbled. She could feel the rocks scraping at her face, and finally she would hit the ground in a crumpled heap on her left side. Lids closed as she remained in the darkness. However, it would not last longer then a few seconds, though it seemed like eternity to her. For all around her the echo of rockfall could be heard, pebbles and smaller rocks falling all around her. Another tremble heaved the earth, and slowly she would lift her head to blink open her eyes, attempting to gather in her surroundings. And yet, before she could...something horrible would befall her, for the earth was not yet done with her. Before she knew it, the sounds of rumbling would grow louder, and as her heart quickened its pace into the similar poundings of a horses hooves, a great weight and pain would shoot up from her rear. A boulder would fall atop her tail, and the girl screamed in pain.

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