
Fine Time Being Queen


03-30-2014, 10:32 PM

His blasted tail had been ripped clean from its hinges. Not that Etern entirely minded, but the pain had been enough to make him in a grumpy enough mood. Usually quiet and reserve he had found himself just wanting to be left alone. He had more than calmed down now though, and without a tail to flick he sat there narrowing his eyes at the small tree's and bushes that had uprooted themselves. Was this some sort of sign he wasn't trying hard enough for his sister, for his brother. Beloved Sendoa, the way he felt could not be described. Of course he didn't know weather he had been happy to see her at first, but now he finally felt the sense of belonging he had longed for. His dead loved one could only look at him now and laugh. Etern only wished to tear out the throats of those who banished him simply because he slaughtered those heathens of allies.
Solemnly the now tailless slate blue man would only crave more, crave more power and crave to be closer to the family he only wished he have. Who knew, maybe he was a bit jealous of Isardis, it was more of his regrets of being unable to have seen his own children's faces only to have his beloved defiled and slaughtered. Etern had grown to love Kyarst, he had grown to love some of the others as well. He only hoped they respected and liked him as well. Not that it entirely mattered to him as a whole, but such things filling his head were not good for an armada like him. Even if he did wish it, he was currently recovering from an injury. It wasn't like he could challenge for what he wanted right now. Besides being a knight was enough....right?
Etern sighed, but kept an expressionless face, he stood up looking at his scabbed over rump. How silly he looked, but perhaps it made it a bit intimidating, this did mean one thing though. He needed to train, badly. With his lack of tail, he would need his muscle power even more than ever, specially his abdomen muscles. Which could easily be fixed by a daily climbing of tree's. Though he did want a bit of company, how selfish could he had been? Lowering his head the knight gave a shrug of his shoulders. The war-lord was growing tired of these new found feelings of wanting more. Was it normal for Armada's to feel this way. Regardless, he wanted to do his siblings some good, as well as make a name for himself.
