
Soothing waters, soothing company



7 Years
03-31-2014, 04:47 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Tahlia had not stirred as her husband exited the den, quite comfortable there within the summer heat and content to sleep longer. The children were taking it out of her, but she enjoyed every moment of it, recalling as she did the time when both Jakart and Anais had been this small, this dependent. They were off doing their own thing now, occasionally dropping by their parents' den to peer in and peek at their little wobbly siblings. She was grateful they had taken to the youngsters so well, and even more glad that they had decided to remain near though they no longer shared the den. As grown as her elder children were looking these days, she still saw them as her pups, her unruly, rowdy pups.

It took Anais dropping by the den and poking her head inside for Tahlia to finally wake, and after a quiet conversation the mother wolf left with her daughter willingly and eagerly taking over her spot inside the den. It was her first time leaving the den in a while, and no sooner than she was past the entrance she stopped to stretch. She rolled her neck, her shoulders, extended her legs, working the stiffness out after what felt like forever holed away inside of the den nursing and caring for the pups. As troublesome as it was on her body - goodness, did she need to a good run through the woods, perhaps even a hunt to further exercise her limbs - she would not have traded it for the world.

With a smile about her face, the russet and black she-wolf padded happily from the den and down toward the river, allowing the warmth of the morning sun to soak into her coat. It was not quite stifling yet, but at least it was comfortable. And there, floating about near the shallow edge of the river in one of its quiet pockets was Bane, seemingly restful and relaxed. Her smile brightened as she padded toward him along the riverbank, calling out to him amusingly when she was close enough to be heard above the noisy waters nearby. "As I recall, I am the one usually being interrupted in the water."