
You can see the world



3 Years
03-31-2014, 02:52 AM

Glad for the comfort of her brother, Talvi waited quietly as other began to arrive and Etern eventually spoke to them. Climbing trees? It certainly wasn't something that she had any experience in and remained seated in place. Others began to arrive a little late including the girl she recognised to be Lysis. She approached another wolf though and with the lesson beginning, Talvi certainly thought it best not to wander around the others in the group and stayed put, gaze watching as Etern began to demonstrate climbing.

He would drop from the branch as he began to speak once more, welcoming the others to the lesson and announcing that the plan of action for today would change. Now the groups of interest had Talvi slightly confused, she personally wasn't sure which area she wished to specialise in, had never really given it any thought before now. Her life hadn't really head down a straight path to this date, and never had it seemed like a necessary thing. She'd been more worried about settling in than learning about fighting, healing or hunting.

She had to make a decision though and glancing briefly at her paws the young girl recalled some words her mother had once spoken to her; ?There are dragons out there, little one, who would love to take you away. When you are big and strong, you will be able to fight them off. For now, I have to protect you,? Well she wasn't big and strong yet, though certainly more so than when Argent had said those words. There were others around to protect her now, though with her mother missing it seemed logical to learn to protect herself.

Her gaze lifted once more and she looked towards Etern again. "My name is Talvi. I wish to learn how to fight." It was a lot shorter than the more detailed answer that Drashiel had given, though having only just made up her mind it was only to be expected really. "I don't have any experience." She added as an afterthought, she was the second to state her choice though it meant little really. Talvi was certain after all that the confident Drashiel had more experience than she did.