
if i had a voice i would sing


03-31-2014, 01:20 PM

Who will be there to take my place when I'm gone, you'll need love, to light the shadows on your face

He could see the confusion written all over his face, unable to comprehend that he was truly dead, ripped away from the world of the living. It broke her heart, he shouldn't be here, he was so young, he had his entire life ahead of him and it had all been taken away, for what? He began to explain what happened, a frown creasing her features. War. He had been to war, he was so young.

The names he spoke of were unfamiliar, holding no meaning to her, but obvious meaning to him. Only one name stuck out to her. Vi. She remembered the russet woman, they had never gotten along, but it seemed that the woman had been looking for Vixe. But her help had come to late. He wouldn't meet her gaze, his voice dead of emotion. It was a hard realization to come to.

"You're in Somnium now. Its what you make it, heaven or hell. You might meet other dead wolves here, you might not. You can only interact with the living through dreams so I've learned." She spoke quietly, trying to explain this place to him. She hoped he would see the better side of it, but it would doubtful. He had always been so angry. And now being cut off from the living world could only make that worse.

Could you make it on your own?

"Talk here."