


03-31-2014, 02:24 PM
The young Black had felt an earthquake before during his travels. It wasn't too rare for the earth to tremble for a moment or two, but after that it was over - a tremor at best - it was barely enough to really worry him. What was happening now though? The shaking beneath his feet that made it hard to even stand? This was nothing that he had ever felt before. Concord would struggle to stay on his feet, his heart beating loud enough to be heard in his ears - he couldn't get caught up in this! His thoughts immediately went to his twin, he had to meet up with her, he had to find her - they had come to Alacritia together to find the rest of the Legion but somehow the two of them had gotten seperated, lost in these vast lands. And now he was running from a violent quake, only to yelp when the ground dissolved beneath him - but with the realization he would immediately fall - hitting the ground with a thump - but thankfully nothing would be broken.

For a moment he would black out - shock and pain enough to render him motionless, speechless. Slowly afterward he would crack his eyes open, there were rocks everywhere, dirt and pebbles all over his slategrey coat. He... didn't seem to be alone, a red male seemed to be nearby. Concord would groan, looking around the area that he had fallen in, there were glowing mushrooms everywhere - something that he would find quite curious if he weren't stuck in a hole with bruises all over his body. His left shoulder and left side of his body were definitely bruised from the straight fall through the ground - but he knew that he was lucky that nothing had broken on the way down. Slowly he would try to get onto his feet - only to shoot straight up when he heard another wolf scream. Once he was standing, the pain was jarring, and he would wince as he tried to take a step toward the other - a fiery colored girl... was she related to the red man?

"Miss, Miss what..." He would trail off, looking over her body - she was a little girl, no more than seven or eight months old give or take, and... there was a huge boulder stuck on her tail. He would immediately go to the rock and try and shove it off - but even if he wasn't bruised the efforts would be useless. It was simply too big to move off of her - he and the other male that had fallen in with them would have to think of something else.