


03-31-2014, 03:08 PM

It was not until the pale male had removed himself from her side that her frigid gaze had risen from her paw, her brow furrowing as he sat beside the waters edge, and away from her. ?Then come, sit with me.. tell me of the life you lead, I truly wish to know? Her head would cock slightly, and she would rise as he called her over to him. He wanted to know more about the life she lived eh? Would he believe her when she told him parts of her past? She would remain standing for a moment, her head tossing over her shoulder and toward the treeline as she contemplated leaving all together. He probably wouldn't admire her anymore if he knew the things she had been a part of, the events she had initially caused.

Her head would turn back toward the pale man sitting beside the rapids, and she would gradually begin to approach him, her thought process still contemplating a quick retreat. Within a few moments she would find herself beside him, her right side aiming to gingerly brush against his left as she fell back onto her haunches. Mist would begin to spray them, and she would find herself sighing contently as she enjoyed the coolness against the overwhelming summer heat. She would look toward him, one brow raising curiously as her azure eyes met his, her lavish lashes complementing her stare as she blinked. "What do you want to know?" She would inquire, a smirk hinting her lips as she honestly wondered what he would want to know about her. She was a stranger to him, but something about her provoked him to seek more information. What was it?
