


03-31-2014, 03:36 PM

"The moonglow upon your pelt does seem to suit you well, lady." The sudden eruption of husky words would almost cause the babe to jump out of her skin, her body being propelled toward her right as she sidestepped away from the approaching man. He had managed to take her by surprise, which for a skilled hunter was an insult seeing as her senses were usually on high alert. Her skull would rise past her shoulders and toward the heavens as the overwhelming musk of a Glaciem man filled her lungs, and she would exhale with a relieved sigh. "Thank you stranger, but try not to sneak up on me next time, alright?" She would huff lightheartedly as she waded toward him, salt water kissing her heels as she flicked her tail behind her. She would stop when she had come within a few feet away from him, her neck extending as she inhaled his personal scent, wanting to memorize it for future purposes now that she was an overseer. "Who are you? You smell of Glaciem, but I have not seen you before," She would inquire and pause for a moment, a lighthearted smile quirking her lips as her azure gaze met his bright amber orbs, the charming smile on his lips warming her lascivious core. "my name is Liberty, I am an overseer in Glaciem." She would offer her name in the hopes that he would return his as well, and her rank merely because she was proud of her new title and she deserved to flaunt it. She had earned it after all.
