
Fine Time Being Queen


03-31-2014, 03:39 PM

So much had happened, and yet it felt like so very little. She'd released several to fend for themselves, content upon removing them promptly from Glaciem's ranks. They had not wanted to be here, and had made no effort to become a part of their home pack - so why should she fret over their absence. It wasn't as if any of them (or even the lot of them combined) left any sort of hole in her chest, or Glaciem's for that matter. The Ice Kingdom was better off without them, she wholeheartedly believed. Of course these things were further from her mind than the recent tremblings of the earth. Trees had fallen and snapped in two, shattering to bits in the wake of the huge earthquake. She'd never experienced anything like it, and hoped she never would again. After ensuring her family wasn't much worse for wear, she had resumed her routine - only now emerald eyes were keeping a close eye out for injured Glaciem wolves. It would not do for the Queen, and the primary caretaker of the pack, to overlook even one injured. Etern had been one she'd intended to check on, but it seemed he was nowhere to be found. That is, until his scent suddenly and effortlessly filled the air. She breathed it in selfishly, as if it were a drug, and then sprung toward the source of it - tail aloft and wagging wildly. ?Etern!? she cried with woe as she noticed a part of him was gone - entirely so. His tail must've been removed in the quake, and how he'd managed to get over that was a mystery clearly painted upon her face. ?You're alive.? She breathed with great relief, moving forward to rub her muzzle affectionately across his cheek.
