
BRAVADO [Hunt/Training]


03-31-2014, 06:35 PM (This post was last modified: 03-31-2014, 06:36 PM by Liberty.)

When given her new rank of overseerer the silver babe knew she had taken on a new sense of responsibility within Glaciem, and it pleased her to have finally gotten some recognition for her hard work. Not only would she be required to provide food for the pack, but now she was expected to be a leader, someone the lower ranking members could look up to and seek advice from when necessary. She would need to step up her game and create a substantial difference within the pack, a positive one of course- and where better to start than with the youth? With the sudden disappearances and drop in members this season she could only assume that the youth had been neglected, and hadn't been receiving the proper training Isardis expected them to receive. Did they even know how to fend for themselves, how to treat an injury, or how to hunt and properly work together? Was all hope lost for the Glaciem castaways? These were the thoughts that burdened the maiden's mind as she came to a sudden halt, her charcoal bodice concealed from the suns rays beneath a canopy of towering pines. Today she would call them together, and she would being to train them in the subjects she seemed to excel in- hunting, and team work. Her skull would tilt backward as a call left her ebony lips, a summon for all the bloods and children under the age of two. She would peer into the forest as she awaited their arrival, her nostrils quivering as the faint scent of an elk herd toyed with her inner blood lust. She expected them all to show, and those who did not would be dealt with personally. If they did not wish to learn than they had no place within Glaciem- it was as simple as that.

OOC: Anyone with a wolf under the age of two is expected to post in this thread! I don't have a set dead line, but I will be posting again roughly around April 7th, a week from now!