


03-31-2014, 06:38 PM

His head was still reeling when he lifted it just enough to spot the red and white woman as she toppled into the pit he'd found himself in. No light followed her, though she was quickly enveloped by the blue-purple glow given off by the mushrooms. A third fell into the abyss, a male as black as night. The only indication of his presence was thanks to his eyes of green. Maverick groaned, feeling his hip sting with pain as he struggled to stand. It wouldn't bare his weight, so his right hind limb curled up protectively near his belly. He wavered on his paws, watching the other male try in vain to roll the boulder from atop the young girl's tail. Maverick had not a clue how to help, especially with only three good legs. Still, the High Lord hobbled toward the pair. "I don't think it will move," he uttered, though it wasn't truly necessary to voice the already known truth. "Is there any way you can wriggle free?" he queried of the lass, hoping there might be enough room for her to draw her tail out from under the boulder. If there wasn't, drastic measures would be required. "Try your hardest, or else..." he trailed off, unwilling to frighten her without due cause. There had to be a better way. She had to be able to escape, or else they had to think of something. If they could not, the girl would lose her tail - and either he or the unknown male would have to remove it for her. He doubted she could reach it on her own.
