
Dances of Celebration, Joining Of Two Hearts



03-31-2014, 06:47 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Ash was comfortable beside Leon as she awaited the meeting to start, and was silent when it finally began. Erani began by naming all those who had been added to their ranks since their move - a considerable amount that the Psi was hoping would add to their Sigma ranks since they did need new hunters - as well as a few that were simply returning to them. These she was most excited for. Familiar faces were always nice, particularly with how Valhalla had been mostly run like a family-pack from the beginning. It was nice for everyone to regroup together again after any kind of separation.

Packs had been visited, alliances forged, and even an emissary had been sent by one of their new friends. Curiously Ashtoreth's gold and purple eyes roved across the gathered in search of this stranger from another pack, wondering who they were and what their home was like and how different life there was compared to here in Valhalla. And then new additions to the higher ranks were introduced, one of which Ash was excited to recognize. A grin stretched across her face as she heard the name of Thane's son spoken aloud, her eyes immediately moving to seek him out of the crowd. Go figure the child would follow in his father's footsteps, traveling the same route of a hunter. He'd be so proud.

A few hunts were ordered, to which the Psi nodded her head in understanding, before the mood of the meeting changed as well as its direction. She was called forward, along with Leon, and a confused glance was cast his way before she obeyed. Uncertainly her paws carried her from the group up to the rock upon which Erani sat, taking a seat there herself. Erani explained and just as realization came flooding over her so did embarrassment. Goodness, in front of all of Valhalla! Could they have had a more public setting for this? Ash breathed in deeply, doing her best not to look as flushed and flustered as she felt Erani went through the vows with Leon. Before she knew it was her turn, and everything was repeated, and when it came time for her to speak, after she had actually listened to what was said, the answer came easily. "Yes," she answered quietly, casting a sidelong smile toward the wolf seated beside her.