
When Heavy Wings Grow Lighter

Twig I


03-31-2014, 07:06 PM

She would feel herself pushed against Alpine's side, her feet finding it much simpler to gain balance within the depths than the dry land. She would be gently upheld with the buoyancy of the water, her slate covered limbs treading water. She would keep herself close to Alpine, touching his pelt as she swam delicately on her own. The gentle exercise was rather good for her, strengthening her subtly. However, Alpine seemed to sense trouble within her being, as her thoughts so easily strayed to Fern and her beautiful features. Though her companion would still distract her, asking her for a walk. "I'll follow wherever you'd like to go. It's better than having my mind to myself." had she said such words in a lighter mood it would have come out much more jokingly, however her cracked voice would fail in the attempt. She would try a smile to correct her sad words, she wanted him to know how much he was helping. But when you were drowning in an ocean of misery it was hard to see the raindrops of progress. "Where are we going to go?" she would ask, her voice gaining a tint of curiosity as she started towards the shore slowly.?