



6 Years
Dragon Mod
03-31-2014, 08:25 PM (This post was last modified: 03-31-2014, 08:26 PM by Sin.)

She would turn towards him, requesting something of him that he of course would not heed. A light smirk would play on inked lips, amber gaze studying her form as she continued to speak. It was she that was in heat, and it was he who was in luck this night. She moved towards him from the shallows, the gentle lap of water at her heels fading and diminishing as she approached him, her blue eyes seeking his amber gaze before roaming across his own body. He stood taller, tail curled over his back in a dominant manner, his posture and sense of air emanating power and confidence. He was never one to back down from anything, and being afraid was something unknown to him for it was he that gave fear to others.

She would inquire his name, and it would cause him to raise a brow as he debated an answer. Of course, he would decide to answer. Not because she was of higher rank, but because she might not remember his name after this anyway until their next meeting. "My name is Sin Armada, however, my surname is not important as the one who sired me is diminishing in life." He would respond, a bit of edge and aloofness to his voice. It was true, he cared not for his Sire. For his sire cared not for him. And even so, Sin didn't care much for anyone. He had no children, no one to give his time to. Though he had Arietta, a forced mate, a claimed trophy, she was still just that. A trophy and nothing more. A trophy merely to show what he was capable of. He would hold himself proud, however, as he always did. If only to show a mere display of undeniably attractive air. His pelt would glow in the moonlight, her figure enticing him, yet he remained where he stood. He would play a game, and see if she would give in to the bait. After all, he was sure she was just wanting to give into the desires he too was wanting. "So, what is it that brings one as lovely as yourself out this night?"


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