
Jump in Bed with Fame


03-31-2014, 08:50 PM

He couldn't help but wink when she commented on appreciating his company more and more, a grin slipping across his lips as he watched her stand. Lithe frame slipped past him, tail flipping out to tease his side temptingly. A soft invitation dripped from her lips and slowly he would stand to follow without response, following like a love struck pup in her wake. They walked quietly but that didn't mean it wasn't an exciting walk. He walked so shoulder brushed against her hip, every so often maw moving over her back to send a wave of hot breath over her spine or nibble at tender flesh tauntingly. But her question would make him pause in his tauntings, ears flipping forward thoughtfully. "Unfortunately no. Not since their mothers passing actually. My sister see's one of my son's every now and then but the other two seem to have scattered to the winds?" He said easily, head tipping thoughtfully before flopping massive head down atop her haunches even as they walked, grinning up at her. They reached the pond in no time it seemed and Kylar walked past her with long strides, slipping into the water easily. "Come on my queen, the water awaits?" He would purr, pushing himself off from the shallows and into the deeper waters.
