
consequences we cannot deny



8 Years
04-01-2014, 07:47 AM

This Erani didn't seem pleased by any of this, though Qanik would hardly have expected her to be. She seemed willing to talk rather than chase her off the border, though, so that was an improvement over what might have been. Though still feeling distinctly outmatched by this female - and in more ways than simply rank - Qanik had regained a sense of balance in herself, and when the alpha asked shortly if she were pregnant or planning to be, Qanik didn't even flinch. "No, I am not," she told her with certainty, "and it is unlikely to happen whether with Flamesong or anyone else. I am much too old to be birthing and raising a litter on my own, and I have no intention of asking Flamesong to leave Valhalla, nor will I be leaving Tortuga." There, that was out in the open now, a declaration that she would not be luring Flamesong away from his duties, but that she likewise had no intention of abandoning her pack for him.

"As for Tortuga aligning with Glaciem, I truly would not know anything about that. I am a warrior of my pack, not a politician. Roman does not confide her plans with me." Her tone was firm there; she was not a ranking member of Tortuga, nor an ambassador, and to speculate on the affairs of her pack with another pack would be far beyond what was allowable.

She returned the wolf's scrutiny, her face as mellow as she could make it. "Alpha, I have not come here to ask your permission to be with Flamesong. I do not know if he returns my feelings or if he thinks of me as anything more than a former patient. But I cannot deny my own feelings, and I felt it would be the... honorable thing to tell you of them. I do not know if it would affect anyone but he and I, but there is always a risk and it would be dishonest for me to keep the knowledge from you. Decisions, after all, are best made with all the facts in line." A shadow passed over her at the memory of the father who had often said that, but she pushed aside the sadness to focus on the present, staring calmly into Erani's matching gaze. "I just don't want him to get hurt."
