
The Will of the Gods [Meeting]



04-01-2014, 09:13 AM

The earth had settled not long ago, Song had kept herself and her brood within the confines of their den. They would watch as the earth would tremble and shake underneath them, and just as quickly as it had started the quake would end. She had yet to travel the territory, to see what has happened and the aftermath that had been caused. First she had to make sure her people were well. There were many she had not seen since the last meeting, and just as many that had not attended a single lesson as was required. She felt as though Ludicael was dying, and she has to revive it. She would nuzzle her children into wakefulness, she would introduce them to the pack and appoint all the new pups who would show up into a position of student. They were all old enough to start their lessons. If there would be any lessons. She would plan on rearranging many of her ranks as well. There were promotions... And demotions she had to announce and give out. It would be a rough meeting for her, Cherokee seemed all but lost to her. The more time that would pass the more certain she was about the fact as well. She was alone now, left to raise her children and the pack on her own. With few she could trust to help her rule she knew there was much work for her to get done. The pale woman would bring herself into the clearing before her den, calling for her family and her pack as she tilted back her head. She would recline her her haunches and wait, watching as her youngest children would crawl from their den.?

?ooc? alright so here is the low down so far, if you want your character to be in Ludicael you must post in this meeting. Otherwise Song will assume them gone. The new ranking system will be announced in the next post as soon as I know who I will have to work with. Please post by April 8th.?