
First Steps [Azzy]

Aria I


03-28-2013, 08:28 PM
Aria ripped out chunks of meat, chomping it into small pieces that were easier to swallow. She savored it, closing her eyes as she swallowed, feeling it move down her throat. The taste, absolutely delicious. A hum of satisfaction seeped from between her lips, eyelids pulling back to reveal green eyes. She had taken out a good amount of meat out of the animal, her snout covered in blood up to her cheeks, staining the white fur on her lower jaw and neck. Some blood even got on her paws where she held onto the carcass.

After pausing for a few moments, tongue running over her lips, her ear swiveled to the side at the sound of somebody clearing their throat then speaking. She didn't look right away, she wasn't worried. If the wolf was going to do something then they wouldn't have bothered trying to get her attention. "Yes?" She finally said after a few seconds of silence, turning her head, green eyes falling upon a rather handsome male. Even before he answered she figured he possibly wanted some of her kill, why else would he be there. "If you would like some, you can have some. I'm not going to finish it all." She spoke with a smile before turning back and ripping out another chunk.