
hey brother.



3 Years
Extra large
04-01-2014, 10:47 AM (This post was last modified: 04-01-2014, 10:50 AM by Neios.)

"Neios... That's it? Just Neios?" Cold amethyst eyes would glance upward as his laughs ceased, his brow furrowing as he began to pull himself onto his stomach, his lengthy legs folding beneath him. His head would cock slightly as he glared into the mans identical stare, his lips creasing into a sneer as he hissed his surname. "Saxe; Neios Saxe." He would rise, his legs unfolding as he pushed himself skyward until he was standing to his full height, his eyes narrowed as he again requested why this man was so intent on knowing his name. "Why." Venom dripped from his noxious lyrics, his hackles beginning to raise as he looked the stranger up and down, a silent challenge that could not go unnoticed. "Either way, I'm Basilisk Saxe, Monarch of Elysium, ruler of these lands. And you're trespassing." A deranged cackle would bubble from the youths lips, his cranium tossing back and his eyes momentarily clenching shut. This brute was a fucking moron! "You own nothing fool." His skull would tip downward so that his frigid stare could align with the strangers, his tail swaying behind him as he took a daring step forward, a snarl beginning to curl his lips. "Cataleya owns these lands. It is you who is trespassing." He was too consumed in the belief he had just successfully turned this man on himself that he had not regarded the identical surname the man attained. The only words he had heeded were "Monarch of Elysium, ruler of these lands. And you're trespassing."