
New Day in a New Land


04-01-2014, 01:56 PM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2014, 05:40 PM by Lalani.)
Lani waited, wondering if the blind female would actually take her up on the invitation. After all, she didn't know what Lani intended. The stranger seemed slightly displeased about something though Lani wouldn't have been able to tell you why. Personally, Lani didn't care if the female chose to go or not. She would go anyway, but she wouldn't have minded the company, not to mention she didn't like the idea of leaving this female alone to fend for herself.

In response to Lani's question, she nodded, giving her consent before speaking. "Very well then...lead the way. I am Audrey Hervok, by the way, it's a pleasure to meet you..." So now she had a name to match with the face. "I'm Lalani Callahan." She carefully stood, her exhausted body protesting, before heading in the direction she saw the tunnel. It didn't take long to reach the area. Lani threw a glance behind her before heading in. The tunnel was fairly large, able to fit several wolves standing abreast and she didn't have to duck as she walked. She traveled a few yards into the tunnel before settling against one of the walls. It was much cooler in here than it had been above ground.