
Night Time Songs of Summer


04-01-2014, 04:06 PM

The starry sky above her glittered, the ground below still held warmth from the day. The still sounds of the night were all around her, crickets chirped their songs, the owls hooted their low baritone notes. The rustling of grasses shifted from the warm breeze if not from the smaller creatures of the night. The scuffling of mice could be heard within the grasses as they nibbled on summer seeds, fattening up for the cooler seasons to come. Although, this particular life would not know what that was. She had just been born a few days ago, underneath the blue moon of summer and the warm breezes, here on this very land. The soft scuffling of something different, far larger then the mice and the insect moved about, though it was simply an occasional shifting of dirt.

Warm air blew between her nostrils as she slept fitfully, lids fluttering in the window of dreams, though what she dreamt was beyond her. Summer would come to an end soon, and with the ending of summer would come the cool of fall. And yet, she was alone. She had not seen her mother for two days, the last she had seen of the magnificent golden mare was when she had been disappearing into the tall grass, telling her to stay here. As the thundering hooves had gone farther and farther, the young girl could only lie in the safety of the grass and obey what her mother had told her. But now she was hungry, her stomach aching for the warmth of milk that her mother had provided for her. She sighed, nibbling the grasses around her, though they did little for her. She had not yet the teeth required to chomp and chew, her gums beginning to sore from the rougher grasses she had gotten a hold of.

With a discouraged sigh, she lied her head back down on the grass, her left eye staring up at the night sky, the stars twinkling within her dark brown windows. She remained there, restless, wanting her mother, wondering when she would come back.
