


04-01-2014, 05:04 PM

Alpine would turn his head toward her, and as his azure gaze aligned with hers she would feel something stir within her stomach. Something about those pools of blue ensnared her attention, and she often caught herself gazing aimlessly into them while consumed in her own thoughts. ?I guess... I want to know who you are, Liberty, and what life has done to shape you. How did you come to be a part of your pack. Where you born to it?? Her raised brow would linger as she blankly stared at him while silently deciding what she was going to tell him. If he wanted to know about her past she would certainly give him clues, but he did not need to know the details of her life. Hopefully a quick overview would be enough to satisfy his curiosity.

"No, I was not. I met my alpha when I was a yearling, and I fell head over heels. Something about his psyche intrigued me, I wanted to know more about this kingdom he had brewing and the power he claimed to possess- so when I ended up there, I stayed there.." She would laugh lightheartedly, it sounded odd to finally admit the general reason for her decision to stay in Glaciem. She would continue on, giving him a better explanation while keeping her story vague. "I was born in Alacritis though, just in another pack, not Glaciem. They are... gone now." As far as she was concerned she was dead to Valhalla, and so Valhalla was dead to her. "My mother died in a flash flood, and my father often abandoned us, which drove me to abandon him." Her voice held an obvious bitterness toward her father, it still irked her that he hadn't followed her to Glaciem or even gave a shit about her until Isardis had come knocking on Valhalla's door. "I don't know where he is now, nor do I care. I serve my pack and my pack complies- I don't need anything more." The sudden swell of fury had begun to fade now as she cast her glance away from him and toward the water, another distraction that constantly seemed to ensnare her attention. "I am a hunter and I am a seductress among a harem of pleasure thirsty whores, all intent on having their share of the king... And me? I observe from the sidelines, a cast away prize, waiting for my turn as well..." The truth tasted bitter within her mouth, and she would choke down the reality with a heavy sigh as she looked back toward him. "And that's all you need to know. Now tell me about yourself." She still didn't understand why he wanted to know about her, but now her curiosity had been toyed with, and she too wished to know more about his origins.
