
Dances of Celebration, Joining Of Two Hearts



04-01-2014, 07:11 PM
Amia Tulip

She laid there silently, glancing at the dark woman next to her. They shared a look, though quick it spoke many words. She could trust this woman, already saw the kindness in her, a motherly look to her figure. And yet no one but her seemed to join the woman. She wondered if she had any family here, but she guessed not cause no one came. So she would remain next to her, silently offering her company to the other she-wolf. She would turn her gaze back to the crowd, eyes widening in the mass amount of wolves gathering. This pack was very large! And had a lot of males too. Not that she had a problem with that, oh no, she loved males.

Just as her mind was on males, one actually approached her and spoke to her. Ears perked up happily, pale blue eyes watching him. He was strong looking and handsome but what got her attention the most was his eyes. They drew her in and warmed her soul like sunrays hitting her back."Yes, I am thank you. Theres a lot to learn about the ranks and how the pack works. Its a little overwhelming. She admitting with a shy smile. Before she could ask anything, Erani started the meeting. Amia glanced at Flamesong and patted the ground next to her, inviting him to sit with her if he wished. The rest of the time her focus was on the white Alpha.

There was so much to take it she missed half of it. She didn't mean too but while she tried to wrap her mind around one thing, Erani had gone over three more bits of news. So she was lost most of the meeting. But the wedding she understood. She watched them with eyes full of longing. Ah love, it was a wonderful thing. A blessing, a gift, one she thought everyone should have. She couldn't wait for the day she vowed her life to someone. But she knew that was a far distance in the future. At least it seemed that way. She loved to love others but never seemed to get the same kind of affection back in return. It was heartbreaking but she learned to heal and move on.