
Make Your Move

Leon I


11 Years
03-28-2013, 09:17 PM

She had more experience than he'd anticipated, and already the man was beginning to think this was a far more even match than he'd expected it to be. That was no matter, he loved a good spar, particularly when the opponent was actually a challenge. Through narrowed slits of azure, Leon noted droplets of blood welling up on her cheek near her eye. it was a good thing he hadn't put any more effort into that attack or he might've really harmed the girl. The Lead Warrior would be sure to keep his adrenaline in check. The last thing he needed or wanted was to harm his cousin. He could feel a stinging sensation near his ear, and guessed that there was more than one wound there, possibly two if both of her canines had sunk in. But he didn't have time to think of those things in the current moment. He'd adjusted himself in the previous attack onto his back legs only, but it was time his balance was restored. Leon shifted his weight downward, leaning forward to use momentum and force in reuniting his front paws with the earth they were so accustomed to. During this effort, he felt her bodice slam into his quite abruptly. This maneuver had not been expected. He'd pinned Chrysanthe for a woman of speed and craft, not one to challenge with brute force.

The move, as unexpected as it was, was also quite beneficial for her. Leon, in such poor balance, had no choice but to try to pivot away from her, but it was too late. As paws hit the earth he found himself losing his balance once again, threatening to fall over if he didn't do something. Instinctively he would throw all of his weight to his opposite side - the left - in a wild and primal attempt at keeping from falling like a titan to the earth. Thankfully, the tactic would work, but only partially. Bruises riddled his shoulder and ribcage, and a sharp pain could be felt radiating from the sensitive area of his side located between his elbow and the start of his ribcage. Fangs sunk in, leaving four or more medium gashes upon the tender flesh. Blood rushed to the area and the man could not squelch the yelp that rippled up from his chest and out of his parted jaws. It was an unusual place to be bitten, and certainly would cause great pain in movement. Still, despite the pain noted by his yelp, the man's eyes glimmered with excitement and adrenaline. He did love a good fight, wounds and all. The two were parallel to one another, with her only slightly staggered behind him. Just behind his shoulder was where he estimated her head to be. Hoping that her head might still be lingering where it had when she'd bitten down on him, Leon's own crown serpentined to the side in search of a place on her muzzle to bite down. Doing this would require his neck to stretch quite a bit, but he was hoping that by attempting to bite her in this area, that he would block any attempt at his own neck or face due to her head being blocked by his fangs. However, she was agile and Leon knew anything was possible. He would not make the mistake of underestimating her again. Eyes were narrowed to tiny slits in case she attacked at his face, whilst his ears remained tucked protectively to his head, and his tail stayed flagged for balance. All four paws back on the earth, the man felt safer that his balance had returned. Fangs were bared as he waited for contact with her frame.

Round 2 of 4
Attacks / Jaws seeking to attack her face, specifically the muzzle.
Defenses / All four paws safely on the ground, ears tucked, eyes narrowed, tail flagged.
Injuries / Two small cuts on the side of his face near his ear, four medium depth gashes about 2" long each located on the human equivalent of the underarm.