
you were there at the turn



3 Years
04-02-2014, 09:45 AM (This post was last modified: 04-02-2014, 09:46 AM by Tyr.)

Something, some deep buried instinct, caused Tyr to throw up his head, suddenly alert, moments before the earth bucked beneath him. Just past his paws the ground was crumbling at the very edge of the ravine, a rain of pebbles tumbling down the sheer cliff. In a panic Tyr scrambled backward. The sharp pain as he put his crippled leg to unaccustomed use went nearly unnoticed in his mad rush to get away from the cliff's edge. So too did the frightened female who just happened to be on the other side of the brush when he spun around and crashed through them.

Unnoticed up until the point when the bushes finally gave way and the little male tumbled out of them to land in a heap on the still-rolling ground. "Misha!" he gasped out in surprise, recognizing the girl he'd spoken with briefly before joining Valhalla. "Come on, we have to get out of here! Follow me!" Scrambling back to his feet he took off again.

Tyr had never experienced anything like this, the earth trembling and rocking beneath his paws like a wolf trying to shake water from it's coat, but he was quick enough to realize that a cliff was not a safe place to be when the world was trying to send you flying. So he took off in the direction he felt would be safest, toward the far-distant Valhallan border between the ravine and the gorge. But the trembling seemed to get worse the closer he got, so Tyr stopped once more at a good distance from the ravine, his legs splayed to make some attempt at balance as the world shook around him. "Misha?" he cried out, eyes darting around to try to see if she'd followed. He couldn't hear well at the best of times - with the grinding thunder of the earthquake pummeling his ears he couldn't even hear his own voice, let alone the pawsteps of another wolf.
