
The Sleep Of The Innocent



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-01-2014, 08:11 PM

As the male heard her, his aggression vanished, posture turning defensive, apologizing as he glanced from her to Themisto and back again before speaking on. A mental step back was taken from that dangerous edge, a hint of thawing in her frozen stare. Her forward movement halted, body relaxed into a natural, squared stance that nonetheless would keep her balanced should the larger stranger attempt to lung. The strangers eyes meanwhile had begun drifting, falling past the unconscious opponent to the still, tiny form of the stillborn daughter of Twig. Something he saw brought a change. Again, his posture became aggressive, jowls lifting, stepping toward her. His motion toward the stillborn and question were answered with a soft ?Sheathe your teeth, stranger. I can answer questions without a threatening male showing his canines at me.? There was still a great deal of midnight in her voice as she spoke.

She stepped away, going to the small form, casting an icy glance toward its unconscious creator. Then her eyes fell back to the male as his next step was taken. His marking flashed under the light, a cross with wing-like black additions. One eye flicked forward. ?The mother is one Twig. The father is the bastard lying at our feet. Twig is the member of my family that he raped.? Family. She did indeed see Jinxx and his sister Twig as a part of her inner family. Not just members of the pack, though they were rather like extended family themselves. She met the male?s gaze firmly. ?I am Erani Adravendi, Alpha Primary of Valhalla. That is Themisto, one of my Etas, or healers. Both Jinxx and Twig reside here in Valhalla.? The message in her eyes was a sharp one. If he was a threat to the two wolves she protected as part of her pack, she would deal with him in the same fashion of the male at their feet. The warning didn?t need words; it was intricately spoken in the natural language of the body.