
Jump in Bed with Fame


04-01-2014, 09:33 PM

She took the wave surprisingly well, laughing at his antics rather then getting irritated at him and that made his smile grow more. She followed him and shook off her wet pelt, sending the dampness his way but thick pelt would absorb it easily. He didn't shake it out this time, allowing it to slick back his fur more rather then the fluffed up mess he had experienced when he had shaken the water out. He had always looked like a mess when he was soaked in water. But for whatever reason he didn't care. "You make it easy to settle in?" He would murmur, green eyes finding her own as she slipped closer, body pressing against his own. She was small compared to him, a tiny dove he felt a strong urge to protect even though he knew she was the type who could take care of herself. Maybe that was why he found himself so attracted to her, that she was more then willing to let him fawn over her and do things for her and yet he knew that in the end if he left for a bit that she would be perfectly fine. It was that realization more then anything else that attracted him to her. Sure she was beautiful, drop dead gorgeous in fact especially those soul sucking purple eyes . He found himself pressing into her warmth, crown dropping to nuzzle into her neck. For a moment he would breath in her scent before teeth would nibble at the tender flesh there. A low rumble would bubble up his throat. He could feel the heat radiating off her damp fur and it only made him want her more. She was perfect.
