
The Will of the Gods [Meeting]


04-02-2014, 02:49 AM

Sha had survived the earthquake, that was a surprise to her. The ground shook like nothing before and it had frightened her like nothing before. It had made her less afraid of the dark, and more afraid of being alone though. So as she hadn't seen much of the ludicael wolves, this was still her home. The dog made her way to the call easily. Though she hadn't escaped without a few scrapes and bruises, so her walk had a bit of a limp to it for the small dog. Her right leg had a small wound on it, and her ribs were a bit bruised as well but nothing some rest would fix.
Only a few remained or rather had arrived so far as the limping dog blinked sitting a bit ways away from Song. She was nervous still around the others, scared of what they thought of her and what the gods thought of her as a whole. She hadn't done anything but attend meetings for training so far, but she did decide she wanted to heal, and learn more about the gods. So that one day she may pass the knowledge on.
"Song, you're okay!" Sha said with a wag of her tail a small whimper escaping her lips from the joy that she was okay. The only wolf to really accept her when she had no family with lack of memory. Though seeing the others she calmed down slightly and sat still.
