
Something Forgotten


04-02-2014, 11:27 AM
It was midday, really, and the male lay at the bottom of the ravine. He wasn?t injured, though he was asleep, eyes closed as a memory played in his dreams. A memory he would forget again when he awoke... Back to the wolf he bacame on that day.

Start of dream sequence:

Life for a young wolf of the Ethne Clan was nothing short of wonderful. All of the older wolves of the Clan watched over the young wolves, helping them in what ways that they could to make sure they were happy, well fed, and safe. It was the perfect life, with plenty of other wolves, mostly family, to play with. This was the life he had come to know.

Kyda was one of your average youths in the Ethne Clan, which, in reality, was split into three packs over the span of their massive territory. The male was the son of the beta pair, with a brother and sister. He was friends with the alpha?s daughter, his best friend and the woman who he was betrothed to at his very birth. The betrothal didn?t bother Kyda at all, because he already liked Lotus a lot and wanted to be by her side forever.

Fuzzy blue eyes of the yearling shown brightly as he made his way to the very edge of the Ethne Clan?s territory, walking with a bold confidence that was natural for males his age... At least if they were raised in his Clan. Starting a whole moon earlier than most packs Kyda had already begun some of his training, already having moved to the more rigorous sort of training that prepared him for full fledged adulthood.

?Ha! This is not that bad... I wonder why the older wolves seem to think that we?ll get hurt if we wander off? I haven?t seen another wolf yet! Who would be stupid enough to stand up to our Clan?? The black, white, and tan brute would come to a stop, a gasp leaving him once he emerged from the undergrowth. Below him stretched dusty earth, parts still scorched by a fire that had raged through the area several months before his birth.

?Wooooaah.? Kyda would whisper. It looked beautiful, in a tragic way, and stretched out on before him as far as he could see. Without another thought Kyda would set off... And in no time at all the male was lost.

A soft whine would leave him as he looked all around. He could no longer see the way to return home... And that worried him terribly. He shook a little, ears lowered, and eyes widened with fear as he tried to figure out what to do. What could he do? But... He couldn?t just give up! He was a wolf of the Ethne Clan! He had to be strong! The male would look around again, debating on which way to turn to head home.