
Dances of Celebration, Joining Of Two Hearts


04-02-2014, 10:21 AM
Time would pass, with more and more wolves arriving at the Valhalla meeting. Wolves of every sort would come, even a wolf who smelled of a different pack. This would cause Arwel to raise a brow in confusion. Natalya. The male would look to the melanistic woman though he was sure that Erani knew of her presence. Alphas were observant beings, and surely this woman had to be welcome otherwise she would not have been there. He would settle, cerulean gaze turning towards their alpha primary as the meeting began, focusing on the white wolfess that lead them. Her age, in his eyes, made her a capable leader. She knew much of this world and the experiences it had to offer.

The white alphess would begin by thanking them for coming to the meeting and welcoming the newer members of Valhalla, including himself. He would look around, trying to see what wolves he recognized as she mentioned them. The only ones he could really think of was Newol and Shilah, wolves who had joined around the same time as he did. There might have been others there as well, though Arwel had missed them he supposed. They were a large pack, very large, but that was okay. He wanted to get to know all of them. His new family. They were all wolves he should come to know... And protect.

He would look over to another wolf who Erani spoke of, following her gaze to the male. Her brother... A wolf who had been imprisoned by Glaciem. Glaciem... Their enemies. He had never met a Glaciem wolf, though he had heard tales of what they had done to the pack. Such actions... Were sickening. The male would shake his head, the thoughts not leaving him, though they were there. Furthermore Erani would continue with the meeting, announcing a birth that had happened before the pack had returned to the mainland. Erion and Isis. He would look to the two children, his heart warming at the sight. He adored pups, and secretly hoped that he would be able to help in teaching them the skills they would need as adults.

The next matter of business would be brought up -- the subject of allies. Two packs, Ludicael and Ebony, had been visited and alliances between both had been successful. The male had heard of the first pack, though not the second. Once he heard that Ebony had been visited by the Glaciem alpha, though they were not impressed by the male. This was definitely good news, as well as the fact that their Ludicael allies had a birth to celebrate, the birthing of the alpha?s second litter. Five pups. Such an amount was indeed large, and the male was hoped the best for them. They would definitely need it to raise so many youngsters.

Then the next matter was brought up. It was one related, and his eyes would rest on the Natalya again. This was the wolfess he had sparred with on the battlefield. A smile would grace his features and the male would tip his head. It was good to see her again, especially under these sorts of terms. Hopefully their packs would truly become allied. He would certainly be happy about the fact.

Now came news for inner pack things. New ranks were given to certain wolves and, much to his surprise, one of the higher ranking wolves, Guinevere, was going to be training under him for a hunting role. The male would look to the female, giving a small nod of his head, though if she saw it or not he wasn?t certain. He knew one thing though... He was going to teach her all that he could so that she could become a great hunter and, hopefully, even surpass him in the rank. After all, were the students not supposed to eventually surpass their teachers? The mention of pride, and the emphasis on it, did not go unnoticed. He had never thought of himself as the sort to feel so much pride that he would not ask for help if he needed it, so it was something he really didn?t need to worry about.

Further inner pack news was shared. The setting up of training sessions and hunts were going to be organized. He would look to Ashtoreth and Sarak, the Psis? that he would be under for the hunts. He recognize Ash, having met her along the same time he met Newol, but Sarak was a wolf he did not yet know. Something he would definitely need to correct before too long. There were also going to be healer meetings, and as was expected he planned to join all of these sessions if he could. He wished to be a well rounded wolf when it came to skills and, as Erani said, even if they were not good at certain ones it would be good to know the basics.

Then came another matter of business, one that made his heart swell with happiness. A mating ceremony. It was a wonderful thing to see, the joining of two hearts. Ashtoreth and her mate were the lucky couple, and Arwel would wonder if new lives between the two would soon be on the way. He was a lover of pups. They were the future of any pack after all. As this went on he would move from his position beside Jinxx to come sit beside beside Natalya again, speaking a quiet greeting to her. ?Hello again.?
