
Stay Frosty

Aria I


04-01-2013, 11:24 PM

Aria lead Darsha a little farther south, away from the snow that blanketed the land. It took a bit but she managed to find the plants she used on him, explaining to the male what they did exactly and showing him where to find them. She explained how the plant looked, from the flowers, to the stalk and lastly to leaves, going on to show him how it had to be prepared before slapping it onto a wound. For her, she had a good time doing this all for him. Felt good about herself for being able to teach somebody something that would help them on numerous occasions. But at the same time she was feeling down because soon she would have to break the news to him that she had to leave, had to return to her pack. She tried not showing, tried to just get him to laugh and just have a good time.

The time finally came. The shewolf lay in the green grass under a tree, green eyes looking out in the direction of Ludicael. I hope he is okay with it... won't be mad at me for leaving. It's not like I'm going to be gone for good, just need to show up in the lands to let them know I didn't just up and leave. She thought to herself, a light sigh escaping her lips as she closed her eyes. Darsha, her voice was soft, gentle. We need to talk. She opened her eyes and looked t him with a small smile, but something was off about it, and he would surely be able to tell. Most of the time she was a happy, relaxed wolf, that was why it was hard to hide such emotions she was experiencing.

ooc: Sorry but don't really wanna go into detail with the herbs.


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