

Eirik I


3 Years
05-05-2014, 05:53 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Maybe he had been too bold. He had had a perfect chance to get away, the perfect opportunity to run home and seek shelter with his parents, but instead he had messed up his chances. He just had to ask one more question, one more question that turned the cat from the relaxed, lazy looking feline she had been with her eyes closed to a wakeful, watchful predator. He swallowed hard and fought the urge of his ears to fold back, assuring himself that the cat had already agreed to let him leave. He was safe; he just needed an answer.

To his relief she merely raised her brows over her light blue eyes and then offered her title. Kathleen. Feline. Cat. Snow leopard. Was that so? Had he really survived an encounter with a snow leopard? Oh, Keiki and Warja were not going to believe this!

He was stunned, not only because of the creature whose species he could now name but because he now knew her proper name as well. Only just did he stop himself from trying to say the name as a sort of test, unsure whether his offers of freedom had a time limit on them that he had no interest in pushing. With the answers he had been hoping for - and more - Eirik turned hesitantly in place, pausing a moment to be sure Kathleen did not follow, before he began to walk and then run away into the woods and back toward his den, all the while casting glances over his shoulder as if expecting her to pop up at any random moment along the way.

-Exit Eirik-

image by Luisiana