
Talk the talk, walk the walk


04-11-2014, 12:48 PM

It would be agreed upon, and Cataleya would name her politician whom may visit in the near future. Sendoa filed the name away for future use, noting that she ought to give it to the Overseers in the event that Meinx was stopped at the border by one of them. The blue Queen was impressed with Cataleya's demeanor, and so she had no reason to worry about how this Meinx might carry herself. Then there came a question, one in which Sendoa would have to artfully explain a bit of history in order to answer. ?I'm not sure if they are still enemies, but Valhalla is certainly on friend of ours. You must not have heard, but nearly a year ago we engaged in a war with them and all but destroyed their ranks. Since then I believe they have reformed under new leadership. Feelings are still tense between us, so I don't imagine you'd have much luck there if you mention our new alliance.? Sendoa had had intentions to try to smooth things over, but had not officially done so. Perhaps this was an omen that now was the time to speak with the white woman - Erani. ?I suppose it would be wise of me to ask the same of you, I recall you mentioning a pack that didn't receive you well?? She had an idea of which it might be, but wanted to hear it from the silver Queen's own lips before assuming any further.
