
A heavy dose of atmosphere



04-02-2014, 01:29 PM

Not even his kind gestures could bring a smile to her lips, her greeting a meager hello that he could tell had been forced. His gentle smile would fade, a more somber expression enveloping his features as he comes to sit beside her. He would lay down on his belly, close enough to where their hairs could intermingle, and their warmth could become one. He would lay his head on his paws, his ears falling flat against his skull as he looked out into the moor. He would see nothing but a thick fog and faint beam of sunlight above, and he would sigh before turning his gaze toward her. "How... How have you been?" He honestly didn't know what to say, knowing that he could do nothing to help her was defeating. "You were with Erani for a while... I missed you." His head would raise from his paws, his snout seeking to press into her neck gingerly, his nostrils flaring as his lungs engulfed her perfume. It was so hypnotizing, so alluring that he couldn't help the rolling of his eyes and the sigh that followed. Even in her darkest moments he couldn't help but admire her. He would recoil, pulling his face away so that his warm eyes could rest upon her welling purple stare. He saw no warmth in those eyes anymore, and it saddened him deeply. "What am I going to do..."

~Themisto Mathias~